9 line medevac card template

Using 9-Line MEDEVAC format call-in MEDEVAC. Of Patients by Precedence.

Pin By Scott Sulivan On Med Kit Letter Template Word Paramedic School Usmc

9 Line Medical Evacuation Request.

. Use any pen or pencil to fill it in. Radio frequency call sign and suffix. MEDEVAC REQUEST FORM GTA 08-01-004 LINE ITEM EVACUATION REQUEST MESSAGE 1 Location of Pickup Site.

9 LINE MEDEVAC LINE 1 - LOCATION PHYSICAL NAME Range name street address training compartment etc 8 DIGIT GRID 2 Letters 8 Numbers optional LINE 2 - CALL SIGN LINE 3 NUMBER PXT BY. Editing this form hasnt ever been easier. Frequency Call Sign At Pickup Site Line.

2 Use effective call sign and frequency assignments from the SOI. 3690 - BREAK - Number of Patients by Precedence A Urgent B Priority C Routine Special Equipment A None B Hoist C Extraction Equipment D Ventilator E Other specify Number of Patients by Type L of patients Litter. 3 Give the following in the clear I HAVE A MEDEVAC REQUEST wait 1-3.

Grid location of pickup site 2. In 2009 his watch styles are equally extreme and groundbreaking. NBC contamination line 9.

Transmit the MEDEVAC request. The 9-Line MEDEVAC Briefing Card is waterproof durable and quick reference tool to record necessary information to facilitate a medical evacuation. A - Urgent B - Priority C - Routine D -.

2 Radio Frequ Call Sign Suffix. Create Your eSignature to the 9 Line Medevac Form. 9 Line Medevac Smart Card.

Rite in the Rain Combat Card templates include the Range Card Call for Fire 9-LINE MEDEVAC and Tactical Combat Casualty Care Card. The back of the card contains explanations for the content of each line. 9-Line MEDEVAC Location of Pickup Site Grid Coordinates Ex.

DM800 does not have a WIFI antenna either and it uses a 300MHz MIPS CPU. Radio frequency call sign 3. 9 Line Medevac is a helicopter ambulance service that provides emergency and nonemergency air medical transportation for critically ill or injured patients.

A Urgent B Urgent Surgical C Priority D Routine E Convenience Line 4. 5 Number of Patients by Type. Use Radio Frequency eg.

Contact the unit that controls the evacuation assets. 6 Security of Pickup Site Wartime. 9 Line Medevac Smart Card.

PATTERNMEDEVAC 9-Line frontExplanations back INK COLOR. Electronic Program Guides EPG are offered on the DM500HD via add-ons from various resources. Unit emplaced protective measures.

The front of the card is the 9-Line format used across. By admin 20131011 Smart Cards. Number of patients by precedence.

Simply click the orange button below and enjoy the benefits of using our PDF editor with handy functions in the toolbar. Radio frequency call sign and suffix. Ultimately an IC Decision.

Priority evacuate within 4 hours. Location of the pick-up site. Recording and removing on a regular basis is additionally dangerous to hard drive however the SD card doesnt have this issue.

6 Number and Type of Wound. 5 x 6 open 3 x 5 folded. Additionally we have a factory covering an area of 26000 square meters.

Location of the pick-up site. Immediate Indirect Minor or No Threat. 1 Make proper contact with the intended receiver.

LG70378630 Radio Frequency Call Sign suffix Ex. An additional beneficial renovation on brand-new DM8000 is that it has a WIFI aerial. Number of patients by type L ____ Patients litter.

9 LINE MEDEVAC LINE 1 - LOCATION PHYSICAL NAME Range name street address training compartment etc 8 DIGIT GRID 2 Letters 8 Numbers optional LINE 2 -. Urgent Non-Surgical- evacuate within 2 hours. Number of Patients By Precedence.

National Guard USCG Helos have very capable radios. 4 Special Equipment Required. Number of patients by precedence a.

NATO 9 Line. Civilian Assets Unavailable or Unable to Perform. Enter the DM500HD the current release from Dream Multimedia.

Summon casualty evacuation and prepare medical personnel for safe landing effective care. Urgent-surgical All Trauma- need immediate Surgical Care. Dont be caught short or rely on paper to capture pertinent information our card is field tested and is usable during inclement weather.

9 Line Medevac Fill Out and Use. Transmit the MEDEVAC request. Patient nationality and status line 8 i.

Location of Pickup Site Grid or latitudelongitude Line 2. U S Government agencies for release of this publication under the Freedom of Information Act or the Foreign Military Sales Program must be made to Commander US-----zone letters and coordinates To preclude misunderstanding a statement is made that grid zone letters are inNumber of patients in each category need not be.

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